Thursday, August 1

Poison by Roald Dahl

To me the best thing after reading the story 'Poison' is how Mr. Dahl has given a good detailed description about various parts of the story so as to make the reader interested in the suspense that is to take place the very next minute. I liked the way he was able to continue it till the end.
As the story started I felt that the story might be a suspense thriller but it at the end turned out to be a light story with no 'snake',on which the story majorly was build upon,to be there.Yet I would give the credit to the fact that the narrator was able to take us in situations where we ourselves where interested to see that what would happen next.My favourite part was the description of how chloroform was been used by the doctor so as to save Harry. 
To me the best character was that of the doctor as the amount of patience he showed throughout is commendable.He in a very matured way took the case seriously and made every possible attempt to keep Harry safe from any mishap.

So  I would suggest to read this story as even after the fact that it leaves you disappointed in the end as there probably wasn't a snake at all but still  the story gives you every bit reason to stay engrossed in it from start till finish due to its unexpected turns and funny ending. 

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